There are a lot of choices floating around when it comes to lice removal. When it comes to the

most efficient way to tackle lice removal, a professional service is your best option. In case you

need convincing, here are several reasons why you should seek help from a professional lice

treatment provider:

1. Convenience. A professional service is there to help you and your family through the

frustration of dealing with head lice. They provide the convenience of quick and efficient

care under the direction of experienced professionals. If you discover head lice in your

home but simply don’t have the time, patience, or lice knowledge to tackle the problem,

then the convenience of a professional lice removal service is perfect for you.

2. Confidentiality. A professional service like Pediatric Hair Solutions prides itself in

patient confidentiality. Head lice is still a taboo issue in many communities, and we

understand your desire to keep any lice outbreak as private as possible. Professional

services respect the patient’s concerns and live up to the rigorous healthcare

standards that we all know and trust. At Pediatric Hair Solutions, we do just that.

3. Save Time. Time is precious! Pediatric Hair Solutions is here for families because we

know it takes time to properly treat head lice. Why take matters into your own hands only

to spend endless hours attempting to remove every nit or grown louse? Professional

services have the knowledge, experience, and resources necessary to get the job done

well, and done fast.

4. Less Stress. We know dealing with head lice is stressful, which is why there are

professional lice removal services. At Pediatric Hair Solutions, we’ve gone through the

stress of lice removal with our own families and have dedicated ourselves to constantly

improving our services. Through experience, research, and a friendly smile we can make

lice removal a stress-free situation.

5. Experienced professionals. Professional lice removal services are just that:

professional. They have experienced nurses, technicians, and staff members who are

dedicated to providing excellent service.

6. Effectiveness. Simply put, professional lice removal services are the best at what they

do. Trying at-home methods will only frustrate you and your family, waste money, and

prove ultimately ineffective. At Pediatric Hair Solutions, our complete treatment is 100%

effective! That’s the guarantee you get with a professional service like PHS.

7. Safety. Last but not least, is safety. Professional services’ primary concern is the safety

of you and your family. DIY methods are not guaranteed, and many are unproven to

work at all. Rather than risk the safety of those around you, seek the help of professional

lice removal services

If you or a family member needs professional lice removal, then look no further than Pediatric

Hair Solutions. With locations currently in North Carolina, South Carolina and Ohio

we are here to help you and your loved ones!